



管理學院 x 台北市美國商會

主題: Branding and Marketing in Automobile Industry - the Aspiration and the Challenge
Automobile industry is one of the sophisticated industries in the world and demands most multidisciplinary knowledge and experiences. However it is also the industry most marketers aspire to stride into and make breaking-through. Starting from defining the branding position, the emotional bonding with overall brand image, vehicle styling and driving DNA, to product and consumer marketing, marketers have the chance to collaborate with cross-function team and develop strategy along through product life cycle. It includes product-portfolio design, feature composition, pricing strategy, competition analysis, consumer event creation as to media and social media communications, it sets higher benchmark for marketers to innovate among the complexity. And such sophistication also brings the most comprehensive experience and training for marketers to see the magnitudes of branding and marketing.
講者: Thomas Fann 范炘 先生
         Chairman, American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei 台北市美國商會 會長
         President, Ford Lio Ho Motor Company Ltd. 福特六和總裁
日期: 2015/5/6(三)13:30 ~ 15:00
地點: Castiglione Hall, Paul Cardinal Shan Medical Bld. 11F, Fu Jen Catholic University
報名: 請上輔大活動報名系統(http://activity.dsa.fju.edu.tw/)報名活動ID= 24055

活動聯絡人: 管理學院 于惠禎 / 2905-2892
