


學 術 演 講

演講人:馬雙鴿 教授Shuangge (Steven) Ma 
School of Public Health, Yale University
Email: shuangge.ma@yale.edu
講 題:Health Insurance Coverage and Impact: A Survey in China
日 期:民國101年11月20日(星期二)
時 間:下午1:40~3:30 PM
地 點:輔仁大學文開樓(LE402)教室
摘  要: Background
China has one of the world’s largest health insurance systems, composed of government-run basic health insurance and commercial health insurance. A phone call survey was conducted in three major cities in China in July and August, 2011. The goal was to provide an updated description of the effect of health insurance on the population covered. Of special interest were insurance coverage, gross and out-of-pocket medical cost and coping strategies.Results   Records on 5,097 households were collected. Analysis showed that smaller households, higher income, lower expense, presence of at least one inpatient treatment and living in rural areas were significantly associated with a lower overall coverage rate. Higher income, presence of chronic disease, presence of inpatient treatment, higher coverage rates and living in urban areas were significantly associated with higher gross medical cost. Households with lower income, inpatient treatment, higher commercial insurance coverage, and living in rual areas were significantly more likely to pursue coping strategies other than salary. 
Conclusions   The surveyed cities and surrounding rural areas had socioeconomic status far above China’s average. However, there was still a need to further improve coverage. Even for households with coverage, there was considerable out-of-pocket medical cost, particularly for households with inpatient treatments and/or chronic diseases. A small percentage of households were unable to self-finance out-of-pocket medical cost. Such observations suggest possible targets for further improving the health insurance system.
