

Enterprise Succession Competence Based on Establishing Emerging Digital Transformation Curriculum under the COVID-19 Pandemic(疫情下中小企業接班傳承的數位轉型力)

  • 期數:第30卷 / 第1期
  • 全文下載:3.12MB
  • 發布時間:112 年 03 月 13 日
  • 列印
Chung-Wei KAN, Institute for Information Industry, Digital Education Institute (III, DEI), Product Manger.
Enterprise succession segue is the carrier of safeguarding economic sustainability and social productivity. The COVID-19 pandemic has dispensed numerous competitive variants to the enterprises worldwide. Taiwan as the center of economic and social demonstration of East Asia, how to strengthen and stimulate all kinds of corporate employees competence through digital transformation has become a major subject at present. In this period of corporate employees competence reform, the goal settings and methods of the personnel training were consistently recommended by third parties consultant through the construction of Emerging Digital Transformation Curriculum. Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Goals are the core fundamental courses of enterprise succession competence, which plays an important role for the personnel training in the digital era under pandemic.This research first analyzes the challenges faced by various Enterprise under the pandemic, then scrutinize the opportunities brought by these challenges. Contingent on the investigation of current situation and issues during the succession. This research applies business needs as orientation, personnel training as target, according competence development to adjust tutorial content and employees inclinations to alter learning methods. Additionally, take full the advantages of virtual platform to realize interdisciplinary integration with the CoreLab System, organize participants of different professional for complementary innovation; Strengthening the practical training of Business production, which build broad platform for the improvement of employees comprehensive ability to meet the competency standards, has a solid theoretical foundation, acquired as digital transformed talents. Finally, puts forward the countermeasures by survey research statistics to promote the development of Digital Transformation Curriculum, such as increasing Environmental Social Governance data support, optimizing the Intellectual Property Rights and Patent Licensing, vigorously stimulating various employee competence sets, giving full play to the role of entrepreneurs succession and promoting enterprise value.


