

輔仁管理評論 刊物檢索

搜尋「關鍵字:Latin America  」,共有「1」筆資料列表如下。

German Foreign Investment in Emerging Latin American Markets

期數:第14卷 - 第3期

作者 / JAIME ORTIZ    單位名稱 / V.P. of International Programs, College of Business Administration, Texas A&M International University.
作者 / KASSIE FREEMAN    單位名稱 / Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Southern University System.
作者 / TOBIAS WOLLENHAUPT     單位名稱 / Senior Associate, Corporate Finance Division.
摘要 /   The determinants of German FDI to four main Latin American economies reflect the stringent limitations German MNCs had to export their products when the import substitution industrialization strateg...

foreign direct investment,multinational companies,Germany,Latin America
