

輔仁管理評論 刊物檢索

搜尋「關鍵字:organizational identification  」,共有「1」筆資料列表如下。

Relationships between Critical Factors Associated with Virtual Work and Virtual Worker’s Organizational Identification

期數:第15卷 - 第1期

作者 / Gou-Fong LIAW    單位名稱 / Associate Professor, Department of Textiles & Clothing, Fu Jen Catholic University
作者 / Shu-Mei LIANG    單位名稱 / MBA, National Defense University
作者 / Yung-Shui WANG    單位名稱 / Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, China University of Technology
摘要 /   By the progress of information technology and Internet, the virtual organization has become a trend, thus there are more and more virtual workers. The purpose of this research is to explore the rela...

virtual workers,organizational identification
