

輔仁管理評論 刊物檢索

搜尋「關鍵字:organizational spirituality  」,共有「1」筆資料列表如下。

What Motivates People? A Value Perspective on Interactive Workplace Spirituality

期數:第18卷 - 第1期

作者 / HAW RAN WONG    單位名稱 / Doctoral Student, Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Fu-Jen Catholic
作者 / JER-SAN HU    單位名稱 / Professor, Department of Business Administration, Fu-Jen Catholic
摘要 /   Workplace spirituality from the organizational perspective could be seen as an integrative mechanism that motivates employees towards the organizational values and mission and enhancing the commitme...

organizational spirituality,workplace spirituality,values,value perception,motivational
