

輔仁管理評論 刊物檢索

搜尋「關鍵字:emotional intelligence  」,共有「1」筆資料列表如下。

Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace:Exploring its Effects on Journalists’Perceived Work tress, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment

期數:第18卷 - 第3期

作者 / CHUN-HSI VIVIAN CHEN    單位名稱 / Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
作者 / WEI-CHIEH CHANG    單位名稱 / Department of Business Administration, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
作者 / CHIA-HUI CHENG    單位名稱 / Regent Academy, The Regent, Taipei
作者 / SHEAU-CHEUN PAUL MA    單位名稱 / Candidacy, Department of Business Administration, National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan
摘要 /   This study investigates the effect of emotional intelligence on employees’ perceptions of work stress, and the subsequent effect on their job satisfaction and organizational commitment. With a...

emotional intelligence,work stress,job satisfaction,organizational commitment
